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Heards Mountain


4th/5th Grade Room

The Tulip Teachers:

Mrs. Page


Mrs. Summers


Our Academics

Here is a brief summary of what we are currently working on throughout the day!
Language Arts

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, students meet with their reading groups. Next up, students will be reading a variety of texts and working on the following skills:

-Making inferences/Drawing conclusions

-Main idea/Supporting details

-Identifying Problem and Solution

-Making Predictions

-Sequencing text

-Identifying Cause and Effect


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we focus on reading comprehension strategies in isolation. At this time, students may also take a reading check-in on the computer. 

Every two weeks, students will have a word study and grammar focus to work on in class as well. Our current word origin is TBA. New word study words were given out on 4/8. There will be a word study quiz on 4/19 .


For homework, students should have an individual, nightly goal written in their agendas based on what they are reading. They are also expected to complete their word study tasks over the next two weeks (see tasks glued inside their word study notebooks). We have noticed a lot of notebooks are coming back blank-please encourage students to complete their homework IN their notebooks. Ask your child about the NEW "Word Study Whiz" reward system! 


We are using the "Being a Writer" program this year. Students published their own poems recently. Take a look in the Tulip Garden hallway for their great work! Now, they are hearing a variety of persuasive articles in order to decide what their own opinion is on the matter. They will work on publishing a persuasive essay in the coming weeks.


Students were busy the last few weeks learning about Electricity and Living Systems! They enjoyed making cells out of yummy food and building a working circuit! The last two units before the 5th graders take the science SOL are Plants and Ecosystems. Please check your child's agenda for study guides that they should be reviewing each week. Smaller assessments are given in class throughout the unit.

Social Studies

Students are finishing their unit on the New Nation. They have been working hard on their end of unit projects to show their understanding. Their last unit will be on the Civil War. We look forward to the presenter that will be here later this month.


Students are using the ST Math program this year. By 4/12/19, they should be at 84% completion. Students can access this program at home as well.


Homework packets will be sent home each Tuesday and due back the following Monday. Please see the teacher if there are any questions before it is due.​


4th Grade (Page/Campbell/Hilker)

Students just finished the patterns, functions, and algebraic equalities unit. They will e starting a unit on probability next week. Following will be a unit on Decimals, including money. The last unit of study before reviewing for SOL will be Geometry review.


5th Grade (Summers)

Students just finished their unit on measurement. This was a continuation of the decimal unit as they used their knowledge of decimals to apply it to converting metric measurements. They also learned which units were appropriate to use to measure certain objects. The next unit will be Geometry. Students will be learning all about polygons, angles, and a deeper look at triangles and circles. Assessments will be announced. Please check the front page of the homework packet for more information on current material.

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